Health Insurance For Students In Germany

 Health Insurance For Students In Germany

International students as well as all other lawful residents of Germany are required to carry health insurance.

In Germany, there are two kinds of health insurance: private health insurance and public health insurance (statutory). Public (statutory) health insurance is available to students enrolling in degree programs in Germany; however, this may not apply to those pursuing preparatory courses, language studies, or doctoral studies.

In Germany, insurance coverage is mandatory for all students; however, based on your place of origin, you may be able to utilize your current health plan. For further information, get in touch with the international office at your university.

Are International Students Required to Have Health Insurance?

Obtaining student health insurance, also known as Krankenversicherung der Studenten, has to be your top priority when studying in Germany. Since everyone is required by law to have health insurance, it is universal. In addition, you can't enroll in your university or get a residence permit without health insurance.

According to German legislation, any person residing legally must have health insurance. German medical treatment is highly regarded and subject to stringent regulations. Accessing healthcare and avoiding expensive medical expenditures are made simpler when one has health insurance.

In Germany, a basic consultation to the doctor can cost anything from €30 to €60 if you don't have insurance. Although this might not seem like much in theory, this is only the price of a basic consultation; additional expenses could add up and result in high medical bills that are frequently out of reach for students on a tight budget.

It is actually a beneficial thing, not a burden, that overseas students studying in Germany are required to get health insurance.

Who Requires Medical Insurance?

The following nations' health insurance policies are accepted as legitimate in Germany by agreements signed by the Bundesregierung, the federal government of Germany:

  • EU and EEA member nations

  • Bosnia and Herzegovina

  • Iceland

  • Israel

  • Liechtenstein

  • Morocco

  • Macedonia, North

  • Switzerland, Norway, Montenegro

  • Serbia

  • Algeria

  • Turkey

It is advisable to confirm with your health insurance provider before traveling to Germany whether other foreign policies are accepted.

You will need to provide your university with a document confirming that you are exempt from having to purchase German health insurance if your foreign health insurance policy is accepted. You can get such documentation by getting in touch with your neighborhood German health insurance company and asking them to send you a letter of affirmation. If you need assistance doing this, the international office at your university can.

Student statutory health insurance

In Germany, statutory health insurance companies are required to provide students under 30 with reasonable premiums. Students typically pay premiums of about 110 euros a month.

In Germany, the following businesses provide required health insurance to students:

  • DAK – Gesundheit

  • AOK Baden Württemberg

  • BARMER (English-language onboarding and registration)

  • TK (Techniker Krankenkasse) (Feather provides customer assistance in English)

  • Siemens-Betriebskrankenkasse (SBK) (with comprehensive English consultancy)

Statutory health insurance pays for all medical expenses, including doctor visits, hospital stays, dental work, prescription drugs, and other supplies. Small payments from you will be expected to help cover the cost of the medical services you get. For more extensive coverage, you can also select optional extras, which come with higher rates. Visit our to learn more about what's included.

Student private health insurance

Certain students in Germany are required to obtain a private health insurance plan if they are not qualified for state health insurance. This includes:

students who are older than thirty. (Student Visitor).

students in language and preparation courses. (Educare24).

Post-graduate students, guest scientists, and scholarship holders without an employment contract. (Provisit Science).

Students working for themselves as freelancers. (Insurance for Feathers).

If you fall into any of the aforementioned categories, you should be aware that there are some very practical private health insurance options available. Therefore, you shouldn't be concerned about expenses, perks, or visa restrictions.

For instance, DR-WALTER's EDUCARE24 is designed especially for students in the aforementioned categories, thus it has everything you need to fulfill all of the standards established by German authorities.

How to purchase health insurance for students

Once you've decided what kind of health insurance you need, it's advisable to use a website like Tarifcheck to compare insurance companies and discover which one gives the greatest coverage.

Getting insurance is frequently as simple as providing your personal information in a brief online form once you have selected your provider. Additionally, you may require some of the following:

  • Real identification, like a passport (not a driver's license)

  • IBAN registration certificate for your German bank account

  • Newest passport picture

Typically, you will need to print the documents, sign them, and mail them to the insurance company. In a few weeks, you will receive a certificate of insurance that you can provide to your university as documentation of your coverage and make an enrollment. You could be required to have a medical checkup if you have purchased private health insurance.

Health insurance card

You will receive a health insurance card after obtaining German health insurance. It is imperative that you show this card to your physician, hospital, dentist, and pharmacy so they can verify your insurance coverage and avoid requiring an upfront payment.

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