Tenses In German We have to learn In A1 – A2

 Tenses In German We have to learn In A1 – A2

A1 Level

At the A1 level, you will primarily focus on the following tenses:

  1. Präsens (Present Tense)
    • Used for actions happening now, habitual actions, and general truths.
    • Example: Ich gehe zur Schule. (I go to school.)
  2. Perfekt (Present Perfect Tense)
    • Used to talk about past actions that have relevance to the present.
    • Formed with the auxiliary verbs "haben" or "sein" and the past participle.
    • Example: Ich habe gegessen. (I have eaten.)

A2 Level

At the A2 level, you will build on the A1 tenses and add:

  1. Präsens (Present Tense)
    • Continued practice and more complex usage.
  2. Perfekt (Present Perfect Tense)
    • Continued practice and more complex usage.
  3. Präteritum (Simple Past Tense)
    • Used primarily for written narratives and formal speech.
    • Commonly used with certain verbs, especially "sein" and "haben."
    • Example: Ich war zu Hause. (I was at home.)
  4. Futur I (Future Tense)
    • Used to talk about future actions or events.
    • Formed with the auxiliary verb "werden" and the infinitive.
    • Example: Ich werde morgen arbeiten. (I will work tomorrow.)


  • A1 Level: Präsens, Perfekt
  • A2 Level: Präsens, Perfekt, Präteritum, Futur I


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