Nebensatz (Subordinate Clause) in German

Nebensatz (Subordinate Clause) in German


In German grammar, a "Nebensatz" (subordinate clause) is a clause that cannot stand alone as a sentence. It provides additional information and depends on the main clause (Hauptsatz) to form a complete sentence.

Types of Nebensatz

  1. Relativsatz (Relative Clause)

    • Introduced by relative pronouns: der, die, das, welcher, welche, welches.
    • Example: Das ist der Mann, der gestern gekommen ist. (That is the man who came yesterday.)
  2. Konjunktionalsatz (Conjunctional Clause)

    • Introduced by subordinating conjunctions: dass, weil, wenn, obwohl, etc.
    • Example: Ich denke, dass er kommt. (I think that he is coming.)
  3. Infinitivsatz (Infinitive Clause)

    • Formed with "zu" + infinitive.
    • Example: Er hofft, bald zu kommen. (He hopes to come soon.)
  4. Partizipialsatz (Participle Clause)

    • Formed with participles.
    • Example: Die Sonne scheinte, die Vögel zwitscherten. (The sun was shining, the birds were chirping.)

Subordinating Conjunctions

  • dass (that)
  • weil (because)
  • wenn (if, when)
  • obwohl (although)
  • damit (so that)
  • bevor (before)
  • nachdem (after)
  • sobald (as soon as)
  • seit (since)

Word Order in Nebensatz

In a Nebensatz, the conjugated verb is placed at the end of the clause.


  • Ich weiß, dass du müde bist. (I know that you are tired.)
  • Wir gehen ins Kino, wenn es regnet. (We go to the cinema when it rains.)

Position of Nebensatz

A Nebensatz can be placed at the beginning, middle, or end of a sentence.


  1. At the Beginning:

    • Wenn es regnet, gehen wir ins Kino. (When it rains, we go to the cinema.)
  2. In the Middle:

    • Wir gehen, wenn es regnet, ins Kino. (We go, when it rains, to the cinema.)
  3. At the End:

    • Wir gehen ins Kino, wenn es regnet. (We go to the cinema when it rains.)


  1. Form a sentence using "weil":
    • Ich bleibe zu Hause, ____________.
  2. Form a sentence using "dass":
    • Er weiß, ____________.
  3. Rewrite the sentence with the Nebensatz at the beginning:
    • Wir fahren nach Berlin, wenn die Schule aus ist.

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