How To Take A Sick Leave in Germany

 How To Take A Sick  Leave in Germany

What interests you about the sick leave policy in Germany? Would you like to know every piece of information available about it? If yes, continue reading! We'll go over the fundamentals of the German sick leave policy in this piece, including the length of time workers can take off, the ailments that are covered, and more. We also give guidelines that list the various advantages and disadvantages of using sick days in Germany. So continue reading to find out more about this crucial subject!

How to Inform your Employer about Sick Leave in Germany?

In Germany, you must give your employer a doctor's certified incapacity to work (Arbeitsunfähigkeitsbescheinigung) if you take sick leave for more than three days in a row. You will need to bring a doctor's note with you when you return to work following your sick leave.

However, the policies could change according on the business. Certain firms demand a medical certificate following four consecutive sick days. As previously said, this varies by firm, thus it is advised that you visit your doctor on the first day of sick leave and obtain an Arbeitsunfähigkeitsbescheinigung. This way, you may provide this document as needed if your employer requests it later. Asking these questions beforehand will ensure that you are in accordance with the policy, especially if you recently started at a new employer.

Steps to Follow While Taking Sick leave in Germany

Step 1: Inform Your Employer

You have to let your employer know as soon as possible if you can't work.  Asking your supervisor or the Human Resources (HR) department how to notify them of your sick leave (Krankmeldung) is the best course of action.

There isn't just one acceptable way to communicate; you can use text, email, or calls. You ask your supervisor about the recommended procedure throughout your first few months on the job.

Step 2: Go To A Doctor

Make an appointment with your house doctor by calling them if you believe that your illness will persist for longer than a day or two. Make sure you write down your visitation details and provide a sick note to your workplace.

Step 3: Send A Sick Note To Employer And Health Insurance

Because it is yellow or sick, the yellow note (Gelber Schein) is sometimes referred to as the sick note (Arbeitsunfähigkeitsbescheinigung). There are three iterations accessible. One for your health coverage, one for your employer, and one for your records.

The second gives the diagnosis, whereas the first two do not. The health insurance form will read "Ausfertigung zur Vorlage bei der Krankenkasse" in huge letters, and the employer form will read "Ausfertigung zur Vorlage beim Arbeitgeber."

Reasons for Sick Leave in Germany

You can take sick leave in Germany for a variety of reasons, such as your children's health and the health of your body and mind.

Additionally, there are a few variations in sick leave. The legal phrases for it are both long-term and short-term leave. Long-term sick leave covers severe physical or mental diseases, whereas short-term sick leave covers minor illnesses and your ability to work.

What does a Sick Note Look like?

When you see your doctor, you should let them know that you need a sick note. Based on your diagnosis, the doctor calculates the number of days you won't be able to work before you recover. The illness note is divided into three sections:

  • There is a website that covers your health insurance. Your doctor's office will deliver it immediately to your insurance company.

  • The second page of your sick leave only indicates the duration of your leave, not its type; hence, your employer has no right to know what illness you have or how long you have had it. This form needs to be sent or sent to your employer; however, in the future, it will be done automatically and right away.

  • The third page is where your personal records are stored.

Do I Always Need a Sick Note?

The quantity of sick days and company policy will determine this. Certain companies have a policy requiring you to submit a doctor's sick note from the third or fourth day of your illness. Remember that your sick days also include the weekend if you become ill on Friday.

In most cases, getting a sick certificate is advised, even if you think your illness will only last a day or two. Since you don't need it, it's possible that on the third day or even longer, your disease will worsen. Having documentation proving you were ill and seeing a doctor is usually a good idea. 

As we previously stated, if your illness persists for longer than three days, you must give your employer a sick note in accordance with your employment contract. It's a good idea to check with your employer to see if you still require a sick note after taking one day off.

Does Germany have Paid Sick Leave?

The short answer is that, as an employee of Germany, you are entitled to paid sick leave. Your company will pay you in full for the period of your sick leave. This is because of continued remuneration, or "Entgeldfortzahlung," which implies that your employer is required by law to pay you in full in the event that you are unable to work for six weeks.

One thing to bear in mind is that, should you become ill during the first four weeks of your new employment with a different company, your employer is not required to continue paying you. In this case, you can request for sick pay from your publicly sponsored health insurance.

If a public employee misses more than six weeks of work owing to the same sickness, they are entitled to sick pay, or Krankengeld. You might receive Krankengeld during a 72-week period. It is irrelevant whether you are afflicted with a medical or mental illness. 

Can you Claim Sick Pay, if you are Privately Insured?

If your tariff includes sick leave, you can use it to claim your daily sickness allowance (Krankentagegeld). If you have private insurance, you cannot use sick leave. Ottonova is a German-language private health insurance provider that includes a daily sick leave provision in its premiums.

If you work for yourself or as a freelancer, you will be responsible for paying any medical expenses resulting from your illness. If you have private insurance, it is even more important for you to obtain a tariff that includes a daily sickness benefit.

How Much Does a Worker Receive For Sick Paid Leave in Germany?

You might be eligible for a specific amount of sick pay, depending on your circumstances and income. It typically equals 90% of your net monthly salary or 70% of your gross monthly compensation, whichever is lower.

Your sick pay will still be used to deduct long-term care costs, pension benefits, and unemployment benefits. You can use this calculator to find out how much money you would receive for being ill.

However, the maximum amount of Krankengeld permitted is 3.386 euros gross per month, or 112.88 euros gross per day. The highest amount of sick pay you can receive in 2022, after deducting your social payments, is 2,979.99 euros per month, regardless of whether your wage increases every month. You can figure out your sick pay by: HERE

Can you work on Another Job during Sick leave?

As opposed to taking time off for shopping or tourism, employees are not permitted to perform any paid labor during sick leave. You may be thinking of starting a side project or going back to work.

But if you'd like, you can choose to work ahead of the doctor's recommended dosage. Most of the time, your employer will take you to the doctor to get a fresh sick note with shorter dates.

That is to say, you are not required to start working earlier than the note's stated end date, but you are welcome to return to work sooner if you feel better. To recover, people could also take sick days and work somewhere else.

This is against the law in Germany. This could lead to strained ties with management, mistrust of the company, or an abrupt termination. There are several potential outcomes.

How Many Sick Days Can an Employer Expect to Take Each Year?

According to one of the strongest labor unions in Germany, your employer is required to grant you up to thirty sick days annually. Any prolonged sick absence could be considered excessive, especially if it occurs year after year. This could be a good excuse for a dismissal. 

Requirements for Sickness Benefit

The following conditions must be met in order to apply for sick leave:

  • You are employed by and make contributions to a government-run health insurance program.
  • If your existing residence status is valid, you have a work permit in Germany (if applicable).
  • If you've been unwell for longer than six weeks or your employer has ceased paying you,
  • A certificate from your doctor states that you are not fit to work.
  • You consent to a medical exam if requested.
The primary determinant of your eligibility for the Sickness Benefit (Krankengeld) is your German private health insurance provider's policy. It is advised that you clarify any questions you may have with your insurance provider if you are unclear about this topic.

How to Apply For Sickness Benefits (Krankengeld) in Germany?

You must give your health insurance provider your Unable to Work certificate (Arbeitsunfähigkeitsbescheinigung – AU), also called a Gelber Schein after the yellow paper form. Typically during a visit to the physician. then your doctor will often electronically submit this to your health insurance provider following your consultation.

On the other side, your employer will require a copy of your certificate. The majority of employers will accept an email copy, and you can turn in the original document yourself when you return to work following your illness.  In the event that your employer requests the original certificate, you will need to mail it to him.

After receiving your inquiry, your insurance company will write to you to let you know if you qualify for sickness coverage and, if so, what steps to do next. If you are not eligible for sick benefits, you might be able to apply for long-term care or unemployment benefits.


You are allowed to take a total of thirty sick days every year; however, if you take sick days even when you're not sick, this could become a habit. In this situation, you can lose your job for this reason. All the essential information required to take a sick leave in Germany is included in this guide. from the application process to the German sickness benefit. Additionally, we addressed a few of the frequently asked questions about it.


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